I love antiques. Yea, I'm a dork like that. In fact I just entered 10 antiques in the Hamilton County fair which elevates me to super dork. Maybe I'll win some ribbons (super super dork). I absolutely love antique photographs. I have hundreds of them. Daguerreotypes, tintypes, CDVs, Cabinet Cards, miniatures, and photo postcards, I love them all and if you know what all of those things are than your as much of a dork as I am. The majority of my collection is from the mid to late 1800s and 100% of the people in those photos are now dead. I just recently acquired these Cabinet Cards in a box full of mid to late 1800s photos. This girl is so beautiful that I thought I would share her pictures with the world. There is just something quite stunning about her and no one has paid any attention to her for a long time. (In case your wondering how old these particular Cabinet Cards are I would estimate them to be from the late 1800's)

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