I stopped at Kroger after church today for some free vitals (sorry, I'm watching the Beverly Hillbillies as I write this). I do enjoy eating tiny cubes of meat from the deli counter. Meat on a stick is the food of the gods (yea, yea, I'm still monotheistic). Imagine my surprise then when I saw that the radio station MOJO was there with the wheel of prizes. I spun the wheel and won a new car. Ok, I didn't win a car but I did win a free t-shirt, a pink t-shirt, a pink woman's t-shirt. Apparently they were all out of men's shirts. The DJ said I could give it to someone or maybe I could wear it. Ok, it's not just pink, its cut like a girls shirt. I may not wear this shirt.
*side note: I listen to MOJO every Sunday morning because they play Gospel with P. Ann Everson-Price. **side side note. I've met P. Ann a few times and she is a very nice lady with an amazing voice. Ok, back to the story.
So any how, Bootsy Collins and Keith Maupin were at a table where they were signing autographs so I of course stopped by to say hi. They were both so friendly, it was almost like we were already friends. They seemed like my kind of people. I walked up to their table and said, "Well look at this, I come to Kroger to eat some free samples and I get to meet you guys and get a free shirt." Bootsy agreed that that did qualify as a good day. I told Bootsy that I liked his glasses and too my surprise he told me that they were in fact prescription. Keith said that Bootsy is pretty much blind and that's why his wife Patti is always with him. Bootsy laughed and denied this fact. I had them sign my shirt and Bootsy wanted to know if I was going to wear it. Keith said I could just tell everyone that there was a red sock in the washer and it used to be white. We all laughed, we all shook hands again and I was on my way. I'm glad I stopped to eat some free meat cubes, that was fun.
Me in my pink shirt...

That is such a Dan adventure! Someone needs to just to a Dan Danly Documentary...Or a reality TV show, following the life of Dan.
Pink is not your color...lol!
Did you know mojo is my son's nickname?
I agree with Helen, there needs to be a reality show starring you.
I think Melanie is hinting that she would like your shirt Dan. I like to get my free vittles at Sam's Club but I've never met anyone interesting there. I'm with Helen and Melanie on the reality show.
Is this what you do for lunch each Sunday? I can bring you food, Dan.
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