Thursday, February 7, 2008

My Modem

It was two days ago but it feels like just moments. That was the night that my modem died. I stayed up with her, watching as her red light blinked, on and off, on and off. I was scared. I didn't want to lose her, why, why was this happening. We had been together for over a year now. I can still remember getting her in the mail. Yes, I ordered her through the mail, don't judge me. Things got serious quick. She helped me with my business and we visited strange exotic lands, oh the memories.

There she was laying on the floor, dieing. I reset the computer, turned off her power, checked the phone line, called tech support, but still nothing. I did everything that i could to save her. I am still coming to grips with my loss. Sure, I've been with other modems since then. Nothing too serious though, just work modems. Some people may say I was just using them to deal with my loss. I like to think that I used them out of necessity. And of course there was that one time at a friends house. I'm not ashamed though, I needed to use the internet, I need the internet. The internet is a big part of my life.

Today I went and got a new modem. Its been two whole days. I think I'm ready to have internet back in my home again. When I get home I will hook her up to my computer and my life will begin again, a new life, a better life, a life with high speed internet.


Reverb said...

Try not to think of her as gone...think of her as watching over you whenever you're on the internet. She'll keep you safe...your Guardian Modem.

carrie doan said...

We will grieve with you friend. You are not alone in your loss. One day you will be with her again....

Melanie Price said...

I think you should do as the Price's do: bury beloveds and plant a tree in their memory...or a flower...or a beautiful stone.

Ryan Allen Doan said...

Where can I send flowers? I still don't have your address Dan. Stay strong.