Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Circus Punks


I keep a running list in my mind of things I would like to have. You see, I am an avid collector of stuff. Its hard to explain my collection in one sentence or even a paragraph. You could say that my collection accurately reflects my personality in that it is highly unique. Whenever I hear someone try to sell me on something by saying that it is "a great conversation piece" I laugh on the inside. My entire house is one conversation piece after another. Art, antiques, and oddities adorn every room.

My latest acquisition (saying the word acquisition makes me feel smart) was something that I had been keeping an eye out for a few years now. I wasn't actively seeking them but I was hoping to stumble upon them and alas I did. Last week I bought a box of antique Circus Punks. For those of you not familiar with the term, Circus or Carnival Punks are the straw stuffed dolls that you try to knock down with a ball at carnivals in order to win some chintzy prize. The punks that I got date from somewhere during the first half of the 20th century.

Circus punks are fantastic. They are hand assembled and many are hand painted. They embody two of my favorite things, art and the circus. So, check Circus Punks off my list. Now I just need to find a.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

those are so cool! Good find.